
Throughout the year we organize different retreats at different locations, in the Netherlands as well as in Italy, varying from 2-7 days, and both with and without medicine plants.

What all our retreats have in common, is our focus on creating a safe and loving environment, where growth, healing and transformation can take place, without fear of judgment or criticism. Our way of working is personal, intuitive, professional and caring, with an important touch of playfulness. In a gentle way we will invite you to have a closer look at the oddities and restrictions of your beliefs and your Personality (or ego), and to transform them into possibilities to set your Self free.

In order to be able to give full attention to everyone’s process, we work with small groups of 6 up to a maximum of 9 people. As your facilitators we have gone through – and are still going through – the challenges and difficulties, as well as the realizations and relief that come with Process Work. We do not differ from our participants in these processes, and therefore we can offer you the exact things that were needed in our own process: care, respect, attention, love, kindness, and compassion.

Our Ayahuasca ceremonies differ from traditional shamanic work (though they are definitely inspiring to us) in the fact that we are not shamans and do not claim to be shamans either. We are ourselves, and we are the Light that shines through us. We hope that this light may inspire you, guide you, and help you to recognize your own light.

Have a look at our agenda to see our upcoming retreats.